What is ministry to women? It is not having a group that meets on a monthly basis. It is all about seeing the needs of the women in your church and ministering to those needs. If you have women in your church, you have Women’s Ministries!
What is our purpose? To help you with every area of the ministry to women in your church.
We know women are “relational” in nature. We provide opportunities for women from all walks of life and denominations to come together for times of refreshing and to connect with each other. How is this done?
Spring Events
The Sectional Women’s Spring Events are an annual event throughout New York District. Every event is an opportunity for you and the women from your church to be blessed by excellent preaching, worship and fellowship with women from your area. Every event in the state will be an exciting one that you will not want to miss!
Your Sectional Women’s Representative will send information to every coordinator and church. If you are looking for information in regards to one of the spring events in your section, contact the sectional representative under the tab “About Us” and you will find a list of our incredible New York HER Representatives.
TogetHER NY Conference
Every year the women all across New York Network meet at a central location to be enlightened and empowered! This is an opportunity for you to invite friends, those women in your life whom do not have a relationship with Christ, those who seek fellowship with like-minded women, those who just want to get away with their girlfriends and have a weekend of fun, amazing worship, dynamic speakers, encouraging breakout sessions and life-changing times of prayer. We begin on Thursday night with Power Surge Prayer and it’s Onward and Upwards from there!!!! Friday, we start off with a dynamic time of worship and a session with our main speaker, Friday afternoon are our breakout sessions followed by two great services Friday evening and Saturday morning. All information is posted on our website under “events”.
Women make up the greatest percentage of our churches and have an impact spiritually! We need to create a hunger in the hearts of women to reach out beyond themselves to others. We get spiritually impacted at church, our women’s group, conference – what do we do with that once we get home and back to reality? What’s the plan? We want to encourage growth and provide you with opportunies to do outreach whether through missions or in your own home town. Adopt a missionary, go on a missions trip, give financially through our projects offerings at our spring events and conference, or participate in a network driven missional event. Look for info under resources or events on our home page.
How do we minister to those in our demographic area? How do we effectively reach out to those of a different culture than ours? What means do we use to do that? Do we have a huge age gap in our church? We cannot fail to minister to the young or the younger? Let’s find a means together to embrace our generation. Our sectional representatives as well as department are here to be of assistance to you in any way we can. Feel free to contact us at anytime.
As part of the NY Ministry Network, we want to focus on events that will relate to family, marital issues, etc. – basically meet women where they are at. Please feel free to send suggestions anytime as to how we can help meet the ever-growing needs of the local church.
Is it time to “change things up” with the way you do ministry at your church? Let us come alongside you and help you get a new glance at the resources available. We have a great national website that has lots of training material and leadership focused curriculum to help you achieve strategic planning goals in your women’s group. How about doing a mentoring program? Book club? MOPS group? Event for single moms? Let’s look at the make-up and demographics of your area and help you come up with a plan to meet the needs of the young and younger J women in your church! Larger churches – help us come alongside the smaller church with practical resources. If you have video series, Bible studies materials, etc. that are relevant and in good condition, please contact Linda Morrison.
WE ARE New York HER!
What is our purpose? To help you with every area of the ministry to women in your church.
We know women are “relational” in nature. We provide opportunities for women from all walks of life and denominations to come together for times of refreshing and to connect with each other. How is this done?
Spring Events
The Sectional Women’s Spring Events are an annual event throughout New York District. Every event is an opportunity for you and the women from your church to be blessed by excellent preaching, worship and fellowship with women from your area. Every event in the state will be an exciting one that you will not want to miss!
Your Sectional Women’s Representative will send information to every coordinator and church. If you are looking for information in regards to one of the spring events in your section, contact the sectional representative under the tab “About Us” and you will find a list of our incredible New York HER Representatives.
TogetHER NY Conference
Every year the women all across New York Network meet at a central location to be enlightened and empowered! This is an opportunity for you to invite friends, those women in your life whom do not have a relationship with Christ, those who seek fellowship with like-minded women, those who just want to get away with their girlfriends and have a weekend of fun, amazing worship, dynamic speakers, encouraging breakout sessions and life-changing times of prayer. We begin on Thursday night with Power Surge Prayer and it’s Onward and Upwards from there!!!! Friday, we start off with a dynamic time of worship and a session with our main speaker, Friday afternoon are our breakout sessions followed by two great services Friday evening and Saturday morning. All information is posted on our website under “events”.
Women make up the greatest percentage of our churches and have an impact spiritually! We need to create a hunger in the hearts of women to reach out beyond themselves to others. We get spiritually impacted at church, our women’s group, conference – what do we do with that once we get home and back to reality? What’s the plan? We want to encourage growth and provide you with opportunies to do outreach whether through missions or in your own home town. Adopt a missionary, go on a missions trip, give financially through our projects offerings at our spring events and conference, or participate in a network driven missional event. Look for info under resources or events on our home page.
How do we minister to those in our demographic area? How do we effectively reach out to those of a different culture than ours? What means do we use to do that? Do we have a huge age gap in our church? We cannot fail to minister to the young or the younger? Let’s find a means together to embrace our generation. Our sectional representatives as well as department are here to be of assistance to you in any way we can. Feel free to contact us at anytime.
As part of the NY Ministry Network, we want to focus on events that will relate to family, marital issues, etc. – basically meet women where they are at. Please feel free to send suggestions anytime as to how we can help meet the ever-growing needs of the local church.
Is it time to “change things up” with the way you do ministry at your church? Let us come alongside you and help you get a new glance at the resources available. We have a great national website that has lots of training material and leadership focused curriculum to help you achieve strategic planning goals in your women’s group. How about doing a mentoring program? Book club? MOPS group? Event for single moms? Let’s look at the make-up and demographics of your area and help you come up with a plan to meet the needs of the young and younger J women in your church! Larger churches – help us come alongside the smaller church with practical resources. If you have video series, Bible studies materials, etc. that are relevant and in good condition, please contact Linda Morrison.
WE ARE New York HER!